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Get more clients for your cleaning company in the USA! 🚀✨

Discover proven strategies to get clients and grow your cleaning business in the United States. Learn how to stand out in your community, establish key contacts and increase your business opportunities. Get the success you want with our complete guide.

Today, standing out your cleaning company in the competitive market of the United States can be a challenge.

The promotion of local cleaning services, the acquisition of cleaning contracts and the expansion of your client base requires an effective and well thought out marketing strategy. In this article, we will explore just that: different strategies that will help you get more clients for your cleaning company.

To achieve sustained growth for your cleaning business, it is important to employ various customer acquisition tactics.

Here, we provide you with a step-by-step overview of online, offline, and other marketing strategies that you can use to attract and retain more customers.

Online Advertising or digital marketing for Cleaning Companies

Online advertising is a powerful tool that can help increase your cleaning company's visibility, attract new customers, and grow your business. Here we delve into the different tactics you can employ.

Social networks

Social media is an exceptional platform for connecting with potential customers and generating engagement. Here are some strategies to get the most out of these channels:

  • Regular and Relevant Content:
    Regularity is essential on social media. Post relevant content regularly on popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This will keep your audience engaged and will remember your brand when they need cleaning services.
  • Diversify your Content
    Don't limit yourself to advertisements for your services. Includes testimonials, before and after photos of cleaning jobs, and helpful tips on cleaning the home or office. Demonstrative videos of your cleaning techniques can also be attractive.
  • Interact with your Audience
    Respond to comments, thank followers for their likes and shares, and spark conversation. Social media is as much about listening as it is about talking, so pay attention to what your followers are saying.

SEO and Online Advertising


Search engine optimization (SEO) and online advertising are essential to increase the visibility of your cleaning business on the internet.

  • SEO
    Work on optimizing your website so that it appears in relevant search results. This includes keyword research, meta description and title optimization, and creating relevant and valuable content.
  • Online Advertising
    Paid advertising campaigns like Google Ads can be very effective in driving traffic to your website. Make sure you're targeting your ads to the right people by targeting for relevant keywords and specific geographies.

Lead Platforms

In today's digital world, there are several online platforms that give you the opportunity to post cleanup notices and connect with potential customers across the United States.

Although many of them have disadvantages that you should consider very well, some believe that these portals as Enter, Thumbtack or HomeAdvisor, offer wide visibility and allow cleaning business owners to present their services effectively.

By running your ads on these platforms, you can reach a specific audience that is actively looking for cleaning services and build valuable business relationships.

Offline Advertising for Cleaning Companies

Although we live in a digital age, offline advertising is still relevant and can be an effective way to attract local customers. Here are some tactics you can employ.

Local Advertising

Local advertising allows you to reach potential customers in your geographic service area. Options for local advertising include:

  • Ads in local newspapers

    Posting ads in local newspapers can be a great way to reach out to local residents. You can highlight your services, special offers, and contact details to make it easier for those interested to contact you.
  • Billboards

    A billboard in a strategic location can give your cleaning company great visibility. Try to place your billboard on a busy route and make sure the design is clear and attractive.
  • Radio ads

    Radio ads can be an effective tool to reach a larger audience. Invest in an ad spot that captures the essence of your service and highlights why listeners should choose you.
  • Brochures and Business Cards

    Distributing flyers at local events, mailboxes, or through partner companies can be a great way to advertise. Make sure your brochures are attractive and contain all the necessary information.

Remember that these offline marketing strategies can be complementary to your digital marketing efforts. By using a combination of online and offline approaches, you can maximize your reach and reach a diverse audience, capturing the attention of potential customers and building strong business relationships in your local community.

Referral system and Networking

Referral program

A referral program can be a great way to acquire new customers. This involves rewarding current customers for referring new customers to your business. For example, you can offer a discount on their next service for each new referral.


Strategic Partnerships

Create strategic partnerships with realtors and property managers it can provide you with a constant source of new business. These professionals often need cleaning services for the properties they manage and can refer their clients to you.

The combination of online and offline advertising, referrals and networking can be a powerful strategy to attract more clients and grow your cleaning business. Remember, sustainable growth takes time and effort, but with the right tactics, you can build a thriving and successful cleaning business.

Email Marketing for Cleaning Companies

Email marketing is an effective strategy to keep your cleaning business top of mind with your customers. This approach allows you to share valuable content, promote special offers, and foster deeper relationships with your customers. Here's how you can harness the power of email in your marketing strategy.

Creation of a Newsletter

In almost allonline advertising strategies for cleaning companies, you depend on a third-party platform, but if you decide to do a newsletter or WhatsApp marketing, you will be addressing a "yours" strategy where you will not depend so much on algorithms and other stories.

Instead of simply promoting your services, you can provide added value by including useful and relevant content. This may include:

  • Cleaning tips

    Share your expert knowledge with cleaning tips and tricks that your customers can use in their daily lives. This will serve to gain authority. For example, how often should a kitchen be deep cleaned to prevent an infestation?
  • Tips or Did you know?

    If you tell your subscribers things like Do you know how many mites you can accumulate in a year?, you will surely become their favorite option. A kind of housekeeping adviser.
  • Success stories:

    Feature testimonials from satisfied customers or case studies that show how your cleaning services have made a difference.
  • Call to action:

    Always include a clear call to action, such as "Book your next professional cleaning service now." This encourages customers to interact and engage with your business.

These types of techniques will help you stay on top of your customer's mind. The place where you definitely care to be. This way you will be able to make much better use of each lead that you have paid for and you will have a better chance of them becoming your loyal customers.

Remember: Don't underestimate the importance of consistently and effectively engaging customers. If you don't address this challenge head-on, you could find yourself struggling to keep your business afloat and missing out on valuable business opportunities.

Special Offers and Discounts

Email is an excellent channel to communicate special offers or discounts on your cleaning services. This tactic can incentivize customers to book a service or try a new offer. You can also consider exclusive offers for newsletter subscribers to encourage more people to subscribe.

Service Reminders

Regular communication with your customers not only builds loyalty, but can also increase the frequency of use of your services.

Use emails to remind your clients when it's time for their next cleaning service, or to suggest additional services based on their past needs. This proactive strategy can lead to increased repeat business and increased customer satisfaction.

Customer Sources Comparison Which option is best for my cleaning company?

If you have doubts about which source of clients is best for you, review this table and get an idea of ​​the potential and challenges of each of the aforementioned strategies.


Source of Clients



Online advertising

Access to a wide audience, costs often lower than offline advertising, easy audience segmentation, ability to interact and respond quickly to customers.

Requires technical skills and knowledge of SEO, high competition, needs constant monitoring and updating of content, risk of receiving negative comments in public.

Offline Advertising

Reaches a local audience that may not be online, provides a personal touch, can be helpful in building brand recognition in the local community.

Can be expensive, especially with media like radio and billboards, difficult to track and measure for effectiveness, limited in reach.


Builds trust, referred customers often become long-term customers, acquisition costs generally low.

Depends on customer satisfaction, can be slow to start, needs incentive system, limited to existing customer network.

Lead Platforms (like Angi Leads)

Access to clients actively seeking cleaning services, potential for high ROI, often has tools to qualify and screen leads.

There may be costs associated, the quality of leads may vary, competition with other cleaning companies on the platform, reliance on the platform for leads.

Contact with Realtors and Property Managers

Steady source of jobs, potential for long-term cleaning contracts, relative stability of workflow.

Property Managers can be difficult to contact, time required to build relationships, possibility of having to meet specific cleanliness standards.

Social media

Wide reach, often low costs, possibility of audience segmentation, opportunity to create community and brand loyalty.

Requires time and effort to manage and update regularly, risk of negative public feedback, needs skills to create engaging content.

Participation in Local Events

Opportunity to interact directly with potential clients, build relationships in the community, promote the brand in a visible way.

Can be expensive and time consuming, ROI can be difficult to measure, depends on availability and relevance of events.


We recognize that on the way tothe success of your cleaning company in the United States may arise unforeseen obstacles and unexpected challenges. The fierce competition in the market, the need to adapt to changes and the time and persistence required are factors that you must take into account.

However, despite these potential setbacks, we strongly believe it's worth a try. With solid strategies and perseverance, you will have the opportunity to overcome almost any challenge and achieve success in your cleaning business.

One of the best ways to get more customers…

In particular, Property Managers can represent a significant opportunity for cleaning companies, even though they can be difficult to contact. Since Property Managers often require a lot of home service work, building relationships with them can result in a constant flow of work.

How to highlight your cleaning company to sell more?


In an industry as competitive as cleaning, it's crucial to find ways to make your business stand out. Here are some strategies you can implement:

1. Provide exceptional service

The quality of your service is one of the main factors that will differentiate your cleaning company from others. Make sure your team is well trained and that you are using the best cleaning products and equipment.

2. Specialize in a niche

Instead of trying to be everything to everyone, consider specializing in a specific niche, such as office cleaning, restaurant cleaning, or eco-friendly cleaning. This can help you stand out among customers looking for that specific service.

3. Build a strong online presence

A professional website that is active on social media can go a long way to help your business stand out. Consider working with a digital marketing agency to maximize your online presence.

4. Provide excellent customer service

Customer service is key to standing out in the cleaning industry. This includes responding quickly to customer inquiries, resolving issues efficiently, and following up with customers after service to ensure they are satisfied.

Ultimately, standing out in the cleaning industry requires a focus on service quality, specialization, online presence, customer service, creative marketing techniques, and strategic alliances.
